Pflichtmitteilung nach § 26 WpHG Correction of the release published on 18 september 2008
Veröffentlichung nach § 26 WpHG
By letter of 15 September 2008 JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York, USA, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft, Gildemeisterstraße 60, 33689 Bielefeld, Germany, has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 9 September 2008 and amounts to 2.90% which corresponds to 1,256,037 shares. 0.002% of these voting rights (684 shares) are attributed to JP Morgan Chase & Co. according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG. Further 2.899% of voting rights (1,255,523 shares) are attributed to JP Morgan Chase & Co. according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 WpHG in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 15 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings Inc., New York, USA, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 9 September 2008 and amounts to 2.90% (1,255,523 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings Inc. according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 15 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 9 September 2008 and amounts to 2.90% (1,255,523 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 15 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 9 September 2008 and amounts to 2.90% (1,255,523 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 15 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 9 September 2008 and amounts to 2.90% (1,255,523 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no 6 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 27 February 2007 and amounted on this date to 3.25% (1,408,847 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 5% as at 23 July 2007 and amounted on this date to 5,02% (2,173,100 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 5% as at 31 July 2007 and amounted on this date to 4.85% (2,098,721 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 5% as at 24 August 2007 and amounted on this date to 5.05% (2,185,499 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 5% as at 10 December 2007 and amounted on this date to 4.95% (2,145,056 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 5 February 2008 and amounted on this date to 2.84% (1,231,495 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 21 February 2008 and amounted on this date to 3.05% (1,320,402 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 28 February 2008 and amounted on this date to 2.97% (1,286,419 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 31 March 2008 and amounted on this date to 3.06% (1,324,439 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings (UK) Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 27 February 2007 and amounted on this date to 3.25% (1,408,847 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 5% as at 23 July 2007 and amounted on this date to 5.02% (2,173,100 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 5% as at 31 July 2007 and amounted on this date to 4.85% (2,098,721 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 5% as at 24 August 2007 and amounted on this date to 5.05% (2,185,499 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 5% as at 10 December 2007 and amounted on this date to 4.95% (2,145,056 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 5 February 2008 and amounted on this date to 2.84% (1,231,495 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 21 February 2008 and amounted on this date to 3.05% (1,320,402 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has fallen below the threshold of 3% as at 28 February 2008 and amounted on this date to 2.97% (1,286,419 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
By letter of 17 September 2008 JPMorgan Asset Management International Limited, London, Great Britain, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of our company has exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 31 March 2008 and amounted on this date to 3.06% (1,324,439 shares). All voting rights are attributed to JP Morgan Asset Management International Limited according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
Der Vorstand